Brand New Site and Next Steps
Thursday, April 28, 2011 - 10:00 PMA complete overhaul, a few months in the making was revealed today. After countless hours of coding and testing, we truly hope the members of tagvillage like the new site. We assure you a lot of planning, research, and complex thinking went into the changes revealed today.
You may notice a few enhancements to the parts of the site that already existed. You may also notice some improvements in site performance. But what we really hope you notice is that we are starting to carve out space to implement new features like Search and Social Networking. At this time, these aspects of the site are not functioning, but we thought it would be nice to show our members where they will live as they are brought forth from development.
After sitting on pins and needles all morning, pacing back and forth around the office, rapping his knuckles on every desk in sight, and prodding every single developer he could find for a status report, our CEO finally jumped for joy and was able to relax when Alex Koval, head of Development, announced, "it is published." A collective sigh of relief followed by smiles and 'hoorays' filled the office. Then, instantly, it was eerily quiet as everyone stared at their computer screens waiting for error notices and bug reports to flood their vision.
Surprisingly, this didn't happen. Only a few small bugs crawled in. They were quickly slain and most of the crew was able to go home to their families to rest and relax. With only a few small bugs to deal with, we feel the new site will be 100% functioning within 48 hours. At least, this is the report our developers have bravely delivered to our CEO.
"Good! Now we can put all our focus into the Top Secret Project!" exclaimed David Ruebush, CEO, when he got this report. He went on to say, "In a few weeks, Sony, Apple, Nike, Walmart, Samsung, Home Depot, Target, Old Navy, Macy's, and so many more will be all over our site. We have to get the Top Secret Project finished so our members can capitalize on this amazing opportunity!"
As I left his office, I couldn't help but think how incredible it is that tens of thousands of people are about to make a fortune from companies like Nike and Apple and Old Navy, just by owning some words, er, I mean Tags. Wow! And if only they knew what the Top Secret Project had in store for them. I bet they would be on the streets begging their friends and neighbors to join the village. Well, the great thing is that so many lucky "early birds" are about to feast on a BIG GIANT WORM! And then, we get to pour this feast out to the rest of the world and carve off a big fat helping for our favorite Causes. What an awesome day! I am so glad I work at tagvillage.
Bringing you A Fair and Balanced
Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village