A Fair and Balanced Report of News and Happenings in the Village

A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village

Friday, April 29, 2011

TagVillage Continues to Grow and Improve

DateLine | TagVillage

Brand New Site and Next Steps

Thursday, April 28, 2011 - 10:00 PM

A complete overhaul, a few months in the making was revealed today. After countless hours of coding and testing, we truly hope the members of tagvillage like the new site. We assure you a lot of planning, research, and complex thinking went into the changes revealed today.

You may notice a few enhancements to the parts of the site that already existed. You may also notice some improvements in site performance. But what we really hope you notice is that we are starting to carve out space to implement new features like Search and Social Networking. At this time, these aspects of the site are not functioning, but we thought it would be nice to show our members where they will live as they are brought forth from development.

After sitting on pins and needles all morning, pacing back and forth around the office, rapping his knuckles on every desk in sight, and prodding every single developer he could find for a status report, our CEO finally jumped for joy and was able to relax when Alex Koval, head of Development, announced, "it is published." A collective sigh of relief followed by smiles and 'hoorays' filled the office. Then, instantly, it was eerily quiet as everyone stared at their computer screens waiting for error notices and bug reports to flood their vision.

Surprisingly, this didn't happen. Only a few small bugs crawled in. They were quickly slain and most of the crew was able to go home to their families to rest and relax. With only a few small bugs to deal with, we feel the new site will be 100% functioning within 48 hours. At least, this is the report our developers have bravely delivered to our CEO.

"Good! Now we can put all our focus into the Top Secret Project!" exclaimed David Ruebush, CEO, when he got this report. He went on to say, "In a few weeks, Sony, Apple, Nike, Walmart, Samsung, Home Depot, Target, Old Navy, Macy's, and so many more will be all over our site. We have to get the Top Secret Project finished so our members can capitalize on this amazing opportunity!"

As I left his office, I couldn't help but think how incredible it is that tens of thousands of people are about to make a fortune from companies like Nike and Apple and Old Navy, just by owning some words, er, I mean Tags. Wow! And if only they knew what the Top Secret Project had in store for them. I bet they would be on the streets begging their friends and neighbors to join the village. Well, the great thing is that so many lucky "early birds" are about to feast on a BIG GIANT WORM! And then, we get to pour this feast out to the rest of the world and carve off a big fat helping for our favorite Causes. What an awesome day! I am so glad I work at tagvillage.

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village 

Your  It,

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Please Help Tornado and Flood Victims

Help us support Tornado Victims by donating to one of these causes:

DateLine | United States

Twisters hit 12 states: Oklahoma, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, Illinois, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Maryland.  Of the 45 deaths reported, 22 were in North Carolina, six in Virginia, seven in Arkansas, seven in Alabama, one in Mississippi and two in Oklahoma

Hundreds of tornadoes have left a giant path of destruction accross the southern United States the past few days. Tagvillage is sending financial relief to these five organizations who provide direct support to these victims.

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village 

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

48 Hours and Counting

DateLine | TagVillage

Something Big is Brewing

We have been told at the corporate office that the next 24-48 hours will be amazing at tagvillage. Watch for some cool stuff during this time.
Also, we have seen some of the awesome plans for the next few months and it is going to rock! Get ready. tagvillage is about to go completely crazy! The time to build your inventory is Now! 
This activity, buying and selling Tags and building your referral base will make your Activity Points grow quickly, along with the money you Earn for these points. So, build those referrals! That will ensure a lot of points. Since March 14, 2011, we have been paid every night at Midnight. 

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Special Easter Tag Hunt Game

DateLine | TagVillage

This weekend, kids all over are anxiously waiting to run around finding colorful, hidden eggs with prizes in them. So, we thought we would give our members the same experience! We have scattered special, "hidden" Tags all throughout the Tag Search Engine. Maybe you could be a lucky winner of a special CASH PRIZE!!!
How to play? Simple. All you need to do is buy Tags. 

There are tons of Tags attached to $50 and $100 CASH PRIZES in our database as of RIGHT NOW! If you happen to purchase a Tag with a $50 or $100 prize attached to it, we will immediately send this cash prize to your PayPal or AlertPay account and announce you as a winner here on this page. Any Tag of any value could be a winner. 

So, start hunting Tags! You could find a really cool CASH PRIZE!

How do I Play the Easter Tag Game?

  • Just buy Tags and you may snag a winner

What can I win?

  • $100 CASH PRIZES

Which Tags have prizes attached?

  • Any Tag of Any Price
  • 0.10 Credit Tags to 1000.00 Credit Tags
  • All Tags are potential winners

When does the game end?

  • Sunday night at midnight in Austin, Texas (USA CST)

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village 

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Helping Kids In Distress

DateLine | TagVillage

Hey guys! We want you all to take a few minutes an see the impact that being a member of tagvillage makes. The following clip is an example of how tithing affects others. Because of the collective efforts of all our members, we are now donating to 30 Causes!

See the impact you can make by being a part of the village. Here is an example of how being a member impacts those who need it most.

Do you have any special causes that are dear and near to the heart? If so, as a member of TagVillage, you can Suggest a Cause to be blessed financially.
tagvillage has a dual mission to pour out financial blessings on our members and the Causes they support. I think you will see this new Village Effect initiative will accomplish both. If we all band together to spread the word about tagvillage, membership with grow. Along with membership growth, tithing will increase and Causes will be blessed. And, for helping us bless more Causes, we will pour out bonuses on our active members.

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village 

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Top Secret Project

Leaked by undisclosed staff writer on
Wednesday, April 11, 2011 - 9:30 PM

If you are like the average tagvillage member, you keep wondering, everytime we publish anything new on the website lately, 'what is this Top Secret Project all about'? Right?

Well, after a TON of inquiries from our members, and a LOT of pushing and prodding of our CEO, we are proud to announce we have been granted permission to tell you all about the Top Secret Project!

Er, um, actually, that was just a tease. The truth is, I feel like Al Capone trying to get in the front door of Fort Knox anytime I ask for something I can share with you guys about it. You would think they had an alien spaceship hidden in that back room the way they sneak around, talk in hushed whispers, and look over their shoulders twice before doing anything.

However, at dire personal risk, I managed to get a couple of tid-bits leaked about this amazing thing they are working on. And I have to tell you, it is gonna totally change the way you think of tagvillage forever!

It appears this new platform is going to really benefit members who own Tags like 'google', 'facebook ', 'gold', 'advertising', 'used cars', 'shoes', 'loans', and other very high priced tags. As a matter of fact, I think members who own extremely popular, very high priced Tags are going to fly to Austin, Texas and give our developers a big fat bear hug when they see what this program is going to do. Suffice it to say, if you are a lucky person with an extremely valuable, extremely popular Tag, THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE YOUR TAGVILLAGE BUSINESS EXPONENTIALLY!!!

You know, I looked at some of the things they are working on in that cold, damp, dark, secret den filled with computers and guys that look way too smart to be talking to me and I had a revelation. These guys really understand what you need. They know how to make your accounts explode with potential. They aren't messing around. There is a reason some of the smartest, most talented, most experienced developers in the Internet Universe have come together on this project.

They showed me a little sample of what is coming. It blew my mind! I don't even know how to describe it. All I can say is that Tag Trading is so yesterday. Any company trying to build a potential opportunity for their members on Keyword Trading and Search Engine alone will realize they aren't even in the same ballpark as tagvillage when the Top Secret Project is released. This is such a revolutionary, game changing idea that I can't even imagine how much you members stand to WIN!

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village 

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Announcing Early Payouts

Dateline | TagVillage

Hear Ye , Hear Ye!

Sure hope you all don't mind, we know payouts are supposed to be processed on the 20th of each month, but they decided to process payouts today!

How Much Have Other Social Sites
                                                 Paid You Today?
More News:

They reached a HUGE milestone today! TagVillage now has 10,000 Active Members. tagvillage paid out a bonus to our active members for this milestone. Come On! Let's all work hard to hit the next milestone with a MUCH BIGGER BONUS!

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village 

Your  It,

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dateline | TagVillage

This Just In !  

Surprise --- Many people got a Big Bonus at Midnight yesterday for being loyal members who create activity on the site. 
It pays to be active every day! Tagvillage paid out a surprise bonus to active members who were trading on Saturday. Sometimes they throw a little bonus your way without telling you it is coming. So, it is always good to login and create some sort of activity every day. Hope some of you were very well pleased when you checked your account today!

Announcing --- Many people will earn 
Big $$$Prizes for referring new members this week - Watch the News Room for more details.

How much have other social sites paid you today?

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village 

Your  It,

Friday, April 1, 2011

Please, Can You Help a Fellow Villager Support a Great Cause

The following is a reprint from the Blog of a precious little girl I know in Dallas. I support her whole-heartedly and wish her much success.

On April 9, I will be participating in the Ft. Worth Race for the Cure 5k walk. It is the first time I will be participating in such an event.

I'm walking because I want to make a difference. I want to help raise funds to fight this horrible disease.

Cancer has affected my life in more ways than one. & when my mom got a Breast Cancer scare late in 2010, after being in remission, it scared me. I don't want to lose her. There has already been too many lives affected by this horrible disease. It's like a frat boy making notches on his headboard. It needs to stop!!

Now, I would love to see Breast Cancer end. I want it to go away. I want us to find a cure. To fight. To be Brave. To band together and beat this horrible disease.

I have a goal to raise at least $500 dollars by April 9. I know I can do it!! 

If you would like to help me achieve my goal, you can make a donation here. Any amount will help and get US closer to our goal; A cure.

Thank you so much for your time & consideration.

God Bless!! <3

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village

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Payout Updates

TagVillage Payout Updates

They will implement the payout buttons sometime in the next few days. Final testing of this system and the platform integration is being conducted at this time. Therefore, any time now, you will be able to process payout requests.


Please make sure you have the correct payout method selected (AlertPay or PayPal) and that you have the correct payout email stored. Otherwise, when you request a payout, they may not be able to send the money to you. Please double check your account profile and Edit the information so that it is how you want it. The goal was to complete the payout buttons before the end of March. However, due to some unfortunate health related complications and other technical difficulties, they have not been able to do so. Therefore, CEO, David Ruebush, mandated that on April 20, 2011 they will payout all payment requests received by 12:00:00 CST (midnight USA) on April 8, 2011 as if they had been received by March 31, 2011. So, even though the payout buttons are not quite live, you WILL have plenty of time to get a request in for the April 20 payout.

Enjoy your day! And, please do not forget to check your payout method on your profile page. It is important that you keep the payout method accurate so we can get your money to you swiftly.

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village

Your  It,
