A Fair and Balanced Report of News and Happenings in the Village

A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tagvertising Commissions Moving Forward

DateLine | TagVillage

Nov. 21, 2011

We know this is the news our members have been waiting for! The Tagvertising Development Team met with our CEO again last week. We have not raised nearly enough extra funds for the Tagvertising Commissions platform through donations. However, we presented him with the emails and conversations from our members detailing how important this platform is to our membership. Upon reviewing all of this information, he let us in on a little secret. tagvillage has a major financial announcement coming out soon, and we will be moving along at a much more rapid pace than we ever thought possible before!

Spotlight on Tagvertising Commissions

DateLine | TagVillage

All Eyes on Tagvertising Commissions
Nov. 16, 2011
We have been talking a lot around the corporate offices the past several weeks about focus. Sometimes we get so many different projects working that we can't focus. So, we decided today to pick one item and pour all our energy into it until it is completed. The item we chose is Tagvertising Commissions.

For ten months now, members of tagvillage have by trading Tags like crazy. There are some very valuable Tags out there. And some of you own Tags we feel may earn quite a bit of Tagvertising Commission. Many of you have built inventories with impressive values. And several are increasing their Tag inventories for the new Star Light Star Bright Contest. However, we know there is a much more important reason you want a Tag inventory. When all is said and done, the true objective is to get Tagvertising Commission. And that is what we plan to accomplish for you.

The staff here at tagvillage put a proposal before the CEO this week. We asked for the entire membership, leadership, staff, and management to come together as one team and focus on Tagvertising Commissions. This is a platform that is very close to completion. And it can be finished fairly quickly. Our proposal was approved. So, we are happy to announce that everything we are doing here at corporate headquarters is focused on getting the Tagvertising Commissions flowing to the members.

However, we cannot accomplish our mission without your help.

Friday, November 11, 2011

We Salute You - Thank You

November 11, 2011
We need to take a few minutes to remember those who have fallen and pray for those who are still serving to protect our freedoms.   

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village

Your  It,

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Strong Gut Feeling

DateLine | TagVillage

Oct. 29, 2011                                

Over the past several weeks I have been wrestling with a gut feeling that made me feel sick and uneasy, but I could not identify what was causing it. My gut kept telling me there was something wrong, something that would have a profoundly negative effect on the future of tagvillage. Our business has been growing consistently like a weed for almost a year. Then, suddenly out of the blue, it seemed like someone threw on the brakes. Numbers don’t lie. And the data from our site was telling me tagvillage was not performing as it should. The data confirmed to me that my gut instinct was correct. In my gut I knew something within tagvillage was not in line with our mission and principles.

So, I immediately began diving deeper in to the data. I was looking at traffic trends, content delivery, member activity, and member feedback. I began to read and re-read Skype chat rooms and Facebook Group posts, and emails from various members. After several weeks of intense research, prayer, reflection, and meditation, I have arrived at the source of our troubles. The problem with tagvillage lies within the Bazaar.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Will You Help Us Change the World?

DateLine | TagVillage   

October 18, 2011

Why did I start tagvillage?

The ten largest corporations in the USA are Walmart, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Fannie Mae, General Electric, Berkshire Hathaway, General Motors, Bank of America, and Ford Motor Company. If these ten corporation came together and donated 10% of their annual revenue they could collectively eradicate hunger in Africa. But they won't. These same ten corporations could collectively eradicate poverty in the United States of America with less than 10% of their annual revenue. But they won't.

Will you help us change the world?

I started tagvillage, inc. in September of 2010 for one purpose and one purpose only. I wanted to create a business that could truly change the world. I am sure that Walmart will never freely give 10% of their revenue to charity. I am certain that Google and Microsoft and Bank of America and General Electric and all of the other Fortune 500 companies will never freely give 10% of their revenue to charity. If the Fortune 500 would collectively give 10% of their revenue to charity, they could eradicate poverty, hunger, hundreds of diseases, lack of education, and numerous other global issues. But I know for certain that they will never do this. They will never freely give 10% of every dollar they receive to charity.

We can change this. You and I. We can change the relationship between corporation and humanity. We can choose to build businesses that will give freely from their revenue. We can build businesses that have a purpose to make this world a better place. We can choose to build restaurants that serve great food AND give 10% of their revenue to hunger Causes. We can choose start clothing companies that produce excellent garments and donate 10% of their revenue to Causes fighting poverty. We can choose to create car makers and banks, and grocery stores that donate freely 10% of their revenue to humanitarian interests. We can insist we will only do business with businesses that freely give 10% of their revenue to charity.

Or, we can continue to feed the greed and power of the Fortune 500.

How can you help us change the world?
It begins with tagvillage. Join us! Become part of this amazing village of people working together for a common purpose. Help us build this online community. Together, we can build a search engine that will take the power and money of the major search engines and divert it Charity. Together we can build a social network that will take the power and money of the major social sites and flow freely toward Charity. Together, you and I, can change the world!

I have been working on this project for a long time. I need help. Now, I am calling on you as my partner, my fellow tagvillager. What if you did everything you could to help us find a new partner every day? What if you focused everything you have on just one new member each day. What if you found one new person, taught them about tagvillage, taught them about our purpose, showed them how to earn money and help charity at the same time, and taught them to find one new member each day. What if every tagvillage member did this every day? In a very short while, we could change the world!

That is truly all it takes! All we need to do, each and every one of us, is go out and find 1 new person every day and encourage them to join our mission. If each of us brings 1 new person into the village every day, and if each of these new people become active and also start seeking 1 new person every day, we can change the world faster than anyone could dream possible. We could take the power and control and money out of the hands of the Fortune 500 conglomerates. We could put it back into the hands of the needy. Will you help us change the world?

David Ruebush CEO

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings
in the Village

Your  It, Tagger

Sunday, October 16, 2011

$500,000 Tag Guru Contest

DateLine | TagVillage

Tag Guru Contest

tagvillage is giving away $500,000 in prizes!

We are hunting for the Tag Guru. Could it be you? What are you waiting for?! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to gobble up some amazing cash prizes. This is the easiest contest to win prizes ever!

tagvillage is building 6 major platforms. Three of them are now complete and live on the site. Three of them are now being developed and will be live over the next 6 to 12 months. However, we need you help to build them!

The tagvillage Referral Platform is now complete. You can refer your friends and earn great commissions!

The tagvillage TagTrading Platform is now complete. You can build an incredible inventory of Tags for future wealth!

The tagvillage Bazaar Platform is now complete. Use your skills to compete with other tagVillagers and win BIG!

The tagvillage Social Platform is in development. However, we are way too short of the Tags database needed to build proper association systems!

The tagvillage Search Platform is in development. However, we are way too short of the Tags database needed to build proper association systems!

The tagvillage Tagvertising Platform is in development. However, we are way too short of the Tags database needed to target advertising effectively!
We need more Tags in the database!

As you can see, the final 3 platforms rely on a healthy Tags database to function properly. Tags are required to build associations between conversations, searches, emotions, actions, and advertisements. Tags are also required to deliver advertising channels effectively. Therefore, we really need our members to discover more Tags. There are literally billions of Tags that are not in our database yet!

In order to encourage you to help us build this database, we have decided to hold a Tag related contest called the Tag Guru Contest. We think this new contest will make Tags irresistible!

How does the contest work?
1. Members earn points trading Tags
2. Points earn shares of 3 different pools of $100,000
3. If your referrals trade more, you earn more $$$
4. 5 special members share a pool of $100,000
5. 1 very special member gets their own pool of $100,000

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and
Happenings in the Village

Your  It, Tagger

Saturday, September 24, 2011

TagVillage CEO Ruebush Addresses Villagers

DateLine | TagVillage

OK. The Bazaar is Live. Now What?

Friday, September 23, 2011 - 1:30 PM
by: David Ruebush - CEO

I feel it is long overdue that I speak directly to the members of tagvillage. First, I want to apologize to all of you for what may seem like gross inadequacy in communication from tagvillage lately. The past two months has been brutal on us. We have trudged our way through some of the most difficult development tasks to date. Our software is becoming very complex. As we add new features, the code becomes much larger and arduous to deal with. When bugs and glitches appear, it takes more time and energy to find them and resolve them. So, unfortunately, we have been bogged down with software development and bug resolution and have simply not had much to report to you, our cherished family of tagVillagers.

I must admit, for the past few weeks I have been feeling very burnt out. It has been stressful and exhausting getting to this point. I almost feel lately like I am just going through the motions, rather than part of an inspirational movement. It seems like all I do these days is juggle tasks. Development needs this, members need that, the bank needs this, the lawyers need that, something is broken, something is in the way of moving forward, etc. etc. etc.

The other day I was in a meeting with our advertising team and had a moment of clarity. I suddenly realized something. We have been working so hard as a company, focusing all of our energy on the software and processes, that we have been forgetting the reason, our true mission. I actually took a look at our website and realized that Causes were almost missing from the site! It seemed like everything was focused on the Bazaar and TagTrading, and not the real heart of tagvillage. This is simply not acceptable!

So, I pulled our staff together and had a meeting. We talked about the true mission of tagvillage. We talked about the website. We talked about the features that are now live and the features that are coming in the future. We talked about the fact that Causes must stay at the heart and how we all must not lose sight of the reason tagvillage is great.

It has been a very long year for many of us. Millions of lines of computer code have been written, re-written, and enhanced. We have 3 major features now live on the site:
  • 1. Referral Platform
  • 2. TagTrading Platform
  • 3. Bazaar Platform

We have 4 major features still to come:
  • 1. Social Platform
  • 2. Cause Platform
  • 3. Search Platform
  • 4. TagVertising Platform

An interesting thing happened during my moment of clarity in our advertising meeting the other day. I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I realized that the next set of features to be developed are the Social Platform and the Cause Platform. As I thought about this, I began to feel that sense of purpose and inspiration again. I was suddenly energized. Right ahead of us is the fun stuff! Very soon, we will be moving into the features that directly, and greatly impact Causes.

For so long now, it seems like every discussion I have with someone regarding tagvillage is centered on the Bazaar, TagTrading, or personal earnings. I know we are all struggling through one of the most gloomy economic times in history. Every where I look I see people in need. The entire globe is in a financial and economic crisis. So, because of this, I think we all (including the directors here at tagvillage) have become very inward focused and short-sighted. We allowed ourselves to focus on the immediate return. We are counting every bean. We are hanging on to hopes that something, just something will pay off this month. I truly think we have allowed the overall economic situation to affect how we approach tagvillage.

I think it is time we reset the compass and pointed it back to our true mission. tagvillage is not a short-term project. It is not a quick fix. It is by far NOT a get-rich-quick or make money now endeavor. Instead, tagvillage is a long-term strategy. It is a plan to change the world for the better. And, if you believe in the mission and follow the steps correctly, it is a plan to make your future stronger, brighter, and secure. But there is something far more important here. If we all believe in the mission and follow the steps together, we can truly make the world a better place!

I know every member of tagvillage is here for the right reason. We all want this to be a huge success so we can see countless blessings poured out on great charities and humanitarian causes. But I also know we have families to feed, bills to pay, and individual lives to live. So I completely understand how difficult it is to keep our eyes on the mission while the global economy is forcing us all to suffer and many to outright struggle. So, it is in this light that I want to talk about the 3 existing platforms on tagvillage right now.

1. Referral Platform
"You can have everything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want" ~ Zig Ziglar

Right now, available to anyone on tagvillage, is a powerful tool that can make you immediate income! If you need extra money each month to help feed your family, or cover bills, THE REFERRAL PLATFORM IS THE KEY! There is absolutely no better way to generate immediate, daily income on tagvillage, than by referring new, active members. However, the key ingredient is the word "active". When you refer others and they become very active, you will be heavily rewarded.

How much can you make?
1. 5% of the Tag price every time they sell a tag
2. 5% of the RETAIL PRICE every time they win an item in the Bazaar
3. Daily Profit Share from the Activity Points you get from your active referrals

How do you find active referrals?
You don't. If you want active referrals, you must follow the advice in the quote above. According to Zig Ziglar, you must help enough other people get what they want. If you want to build a growing immediate income on tagvillage, you are going to have to invest time with your referrals. You are going to have to get to know them, find out what they need and want. And then, teach them how to get what they want. You must work with them personally. Teach them how and why to trade Tags. Teach them how to win items in the Bazaar. But most importantly, teach them how to build their own successful referrals business. If you help your referrals build growing immediate incomes through their own referrals, I guarantee you will be rewarded with your own strong, growing immediate income as well.

What kind of example would tagvillage be if we told you to help other people get what they want, but we did not do the same thing? We believe in you. We believe in your future. And we believe in your ability to refer active members. So, we are going to help you out. Next week we are launching a Pay It Forward feature on the site. We are going to give you FREE CREDITS that you can give to your new referrals. We know it is difficult to encourage others to try something new. So, we are giving you a powerful, new tool to help you convince them. In the next few days, the Pay It Forward feature will be live. You will be able to offer friends FREE CREDITS to try out the site! We want to help you build your immediate income by building your referrals business. We want you to be successful. So, we are putting our own money on the line for you.

2. TagTrading Platform
"Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." ~ Warren Buffett

I think it is very important that we re-focus our compass when it comes to TagTrading. Too many times lately I have been in conversations with people who are frustrated with the results of their TagTrading because they have the wrong expectations. TagTrading is investing. It is for long-term growth. It is for the future. It is NOT for immediate income. Every bit as much as the Referral Platform is for immediate income, TagTrading is for a secure tomorrow.

If you took $10,000 and purchased stock in Nike, would you expect to withdraw millions a few months later? Would you expect to immediately receive a large monthly paycheck from this investment? Of course not. Everyone knows you invest in the stock of solid, proven companies so that your principal and your income will grow slowly and steadily over time.

This is the exact same principle you must apply when you are TagTrading. You must approach TagTrading as an investment in the future. The goal is to build the size and value of your inventory slowly and steadily over time. The very last platform we will implement on tagvillage is the Tagvertising Platform. It is the long-term strategy. It is NOT the short-term game. So, when you are trading Tags, or acquiring Tags, you must keep this in mind. If you want to relax comfortably in the shade of the future, you must plant the tree now, and water it for a very long time.

3. Bazaar Platform
"There is only one shopping day left, before tomorrow!" ~ unknown

It amazes me how many members have asked me how to make money by participating in the Bazaar. To me it is a confusing question. I guess, technically, you can make money from the Bazaar by owning the correct Tags that are targeted by sellers. You can also make money from the Bazaar by getting a commission when one of your referrals wins an Item. But in reality, the money you made would be from your TagTrading and Referral activities, not from your activities in the Bazaar itself.

The Bazaar is a shopping place. That is all. You cannot make money by participating in the Bazaar. This is true of both the Tags Bazaar and the Items Bazaar. If you place bids in the Bazaar, you are spending money. You are shopping. You are not investing or earning. So, when it comes to the Bazaar, I feel it is important to re-focus your compass. As much as the Referral Platform is for immediate income, and the TagTrading Platform is for investing, the Bazaar is for shopping (spending money).

However, there are a few very important things about the Bazaar that you must realize. The Bazaar is where the largest profits are made by tagvillage. This is very important to you as a member. First, the profits made when people shop in the Bazaar directly impact the amount of money we can donate to charities and other humanitarian causes! Second, the profits made when people shop in the Bazaar directly impact the amount of money we can deposit into the Daily Profit Pool. And finally, the profits made when people shop in the Bazaar can have the biggest impact on your immediate income. Why? Because you immediately earn 5% of the Retail Value of an item when one of your referrals win!

So What's Next?
"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time!" ~ Abraham Lincoln

I am excited about the next year for tagvillage! We have so many amazing features coming in the future. The Social Platform is next on the agenda, and I feel we will introduce something that will please our existing members, attract many new members, and re-define the concept of social networks. Along with the Social Platform we will release our Cause Platform! To me this is the most exciting aspect of tagvillage. Very soon, great Causes will be able to interact with our members, build their support base, and receive huge donations because of the daily activities of our members.

Once the Social and Cause Platforms are in place, we will progress to the Search Platform and then Tagvertising Platform. We know that these final segments of tagvillage will produce the greatest financial impact for the Causes our members support. We also know these final segments will produce the greatest financial impact on our members themselves. We all want these segments to be live and working as fast as possible. But we must remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day." And the same is true with tagvillage. If we are to build a truly powerful, stable, long-lasting business, we must do it one brick at a time. We will accomplish the grand vision of the future, together with you, one day at a time.

Keeping our Eyes on the Mission
"The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all." ~Leo Rosten

In the end, we will all stand proud for what we accomplished together. Every day, when the going is tough and the pressures of the daily grind get you down, remember why you are a member of tagvillage. One day, we will see countless, bountiful blessings pouring out from tagvillage to Causes around the world. One day, we will relax in the shade of the tree we planted and nurtured to full health. One day, we will look back at the energy and effort and struggle we all endured and realize is was nothing. Today is a drop in the ocean compared to tomorrow. Friends, we know why we are building tagvillage. Are you in?

We will work tirelessly to create an extremely useful platform where our members connect, earn, and share. We will become the single greatest source of financial blessings for great Causes throughout the world.

Thank you truly for your membership and support!

David Ruebush

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings
in the Village

Your  It, Tagger

Monday, September 5, 2011


Dateline | TagVillage

The Tagvillage Bazaar is now open!

Congratulations to Wendy Hall  -  Who just won the very first Auction on TAGVILLAGE BAZAAR. She won a Brand NEW Kindle, Wi-Fi, 6" E Ink Pearl Display for .10 tagvillage credits. 

Other items that are curently listed for bid:
  • eBay.com $50 Gift Card
  • Vintage 80's Boombox Laptop Skin
  • James Avery Looped Heart Ear Posts
  • Apple iPod shuffle
  • amazon.com $50 Gift Card
  • Prada Cosmetic Pouch
  • iPad 2 32GB with Wi-Fi - White
More and bigger items to be listed continually. Come take a look and see what you too can purchase for as little as .10 tagvillage credits.
Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings
in the Village

Your  It, Tagger

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Five Major Updates On The Way

DateLine | TagVillage

We are very excited to announce there are five major updates coming to the site in the near future. According to our CEO, the time is upon us when tagvillage will begin to move from an infancy stage into a growing, thriving, maturing business. During the month of September, 2011, the site will move from a speculative market for Tag Traders into an actual product marketplace and advertising platform. We are now only days away from selling real products, generating real advertising revenue, and attracting entirely new types of members to the site. So, for all of you who have been working to build your Tag inventories, and patiently bearing with us as we developed our software, your reward is on its way!

We truly appreciate the support each of our members have given us. We know the Beta stages and initial Bazaar stages have been at times boring and painfully slow. So, we want you to know how much we appreciate your support during these times! You are very important to us. We could not exist without the initial members who have given us their support and energy as we launched and tested our programs. So, because of your support and help, we want to reward you and help you take your tagvillage business to the next level!

As many of you know, there are 2 major keys to success with tagvillage. The first key to success is referrals. The second key to success is a great inventory of Tags. In order to get great Tags, you must have Credits. So, we want to help you. We also know many of you want to refer new members, but need some help. So, we are about to help you with this as well! But that is not all. We also know many of you would like to become true partners with us and have been asking if you can invest in tagvillage, inc. and own a piece of the actual company. So, we are about to offer this to you as well! Over the next few days, many things will happen and we hope you are truly happy!

What new things can you expect on the site?

1. High Yield Member Investment Plan
Ever since the launch of tagvillage many members have emailed asking if they can invest in the business and actually own a piece of the company. We truly appreciate our members and wish to offer you an opportunity to be a true partner. Therefore, we are announcing a brand-new High Yield Member Investment Plan. You can actually own a piece of tagvillage, inc.
For more information, please click here.

2. FREE Credits Special
In order to buy Tags, you need Credits. In order to get bids you need Credits. Since we are about to offer Items in the Bazaar, you will want a lot of bids. So, we are going to help you! In the next few days, a special will appear on the site and will run for a few weeks. For every $5 in Credits you purchase, we will match you with 1 FREE CREDIT! Watch for this special to be live on the site very soon.

3. Pay It Forward Program & Special
In order to attract new referrals, it would be nice to offer them FREE CREDITS! So, we are announcing a new "Pay It Forward" Program. In the next few days, a special will appear on the site and run for a few weeks that will allow you to give FREE CREDITS to your new referrals. For every $5 in Credits you purchase, we will give you 1 FREE Pay It Forward Credit you can use to attract new referrals! Watch for this special to be live on the site very soon. In addition to the free Pay It Forward Credits, you will have the ability to exchange Credits for Pay It Forward Credits and grant them to new referrals. So, you will have a nice program for attracting referrals.

4. Tag Bazaar Changes
Every change mentioned in the past news article (Bazaar Enhancements & Time-Line) will be live on the site within the next 14 days! We are almost finished developing each of them. As they are finished, they will be released live on the site. So, watch for each of these changes to appear over the next 14 days.

5. Items In The Bazaar
We know you have been waiting. So, we are happy to announce the Items platform is almost ready to go live on the site! There are a few small details that remain to be finished. They will not take long. Our developers tell us the Items platform could be ready within hours. We are running final tests and fixing final issues. Therefore, we are prepared to state that Items may appear in the Bazaar any time now. They may appear in a few hours. Or they may appear in a few days. The development team guaranteed our CEO that Items will be live in the Bazaar some day between September 1, 2011 and September 10, 2011. So, get ready. Watch the Bazaar. They will appear any time now!

In addition to the Items in the Bazaar, you will start earning actual Tagvertising commissions! So get ready! You are only days away from seeing the true benefits of Tag ownership. Why do you really own Tags? To get Tagvertising commissions. So, here they come!

We hope you like all of these improvements. Within days, you will be able to buy amazing Items as low at 0.10 Credits each! You will be able to buy Credits and get Free matching Credits. You will be able to offer your new referrals FREE Credits to test the system. The Tag Bazaar will have major improvement. And finally, you will be able to invest in tagvillage, inc. and become a true partner with us in this business! Get ready, tagvillage is about to grow up a whole lot, and very fast!

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings 
in the Village

Your  It, 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Work In Progress

DateLine | TagVillage

Bazaar Enhancements & Time-Line

Tuesday, August 9, 2011 - 8:30 AM

A Work In Progress

With every release of a new feature on tagvillage we introduce a stage, collect data, listen to feedback from the members, and then enhance. Once that stage is functioning properly and the membership appears to be happy overall, we move to the next stage. Since the launch of the Tags portion of the Bazaar, we have been reviewing data and listening to feedback from the members. As a result, we are making several improvements to the Tags Bazaar. Sometime this week, the following changes will take place:

1. Auctions Page Sorting
We are going to change the auctions list page into a sortable list. We are adding buttons at the top of the page. These buttons will say "Live", "Pending", and "Ended". If you click the "Live" button, you will only see the auctions that are live and taking bids. If you click the "Pending" button, you will only see the auctions that are upcoming. If you click the "Ended" button you will see the auctions that have cancelled, sold, or closed from the Buy It Now feature.

2. Limited Live Auctions
We are going to set a limit to the number of live auctions at one time. We will start with a low number and increase with time as our membership grows and activity within the Bazaar grows. Therefore, members will only have a limited number of Tags to bid on at one time.

3. Pending Auctions Queue
We are going to make a page called "Pending Auctions". On this page, all upcoming auctions will be announced. There will no longer be a "Starting Time" counter. Instead, each Tag will be placed into a queue on a first-come first-served basis. When a live auction ends, the next auction in line will begin.

4. Limited Number of Tag Auctions Per Member
We are going to set a limit on the number of Tags a member may place into the Bazaar at one time. This number will start low and increase as our membership grows and activity within the Bazaar grows.

5. Name Your Own Reserve Price
We are going to add an option for members to name their own Reserve Price. For example, you may have a Tag for over 200.00 Credits and you want to sell it. You may decide you would take less than 200.00 Credits for the Tag. So, we are going to allow you to name your own Reserve Price point.

6. No Reserve Price Auctions
Some members may wish to take a chance by running a Tag with no Reserve Price. We are introducing a new type of auction to the Tag Bazaar. If you wish, you can place a Tag into the Bazaar with NO RESERVE PRICE! In this case, the Tag will begin in the 30 second count-down stage and will continue until the timer reaches zero. We will still limit the number of timer resets, but it will be controlled by a different formula that respects the sellers and the bidders.

7. Feature Tag Auctions
We will announce a special Feature Tag Auction into the Bazaar. This auction will begin in the 30 second count-down stage and will continue until the timer reaches zero. There will be a reduced limit on the number of timer resets that will make these Tags very desirable.

We truly hope you appreciate the improvements we are making. We think all of these enhancements will make the Tag Bazaar more fun, more active, and more rewarding. Our goal is to complete most of these updates and release them by the end of this week. However, as with all development situations, we will only release these changes as we complete the programming and testing of each one.

We are sure most of you are wondering the all important question. When will Items be live on the Bazaar. We are very close to completing the Items portion. Due to the data and feedback from the Tags Bazaar, we have been making some improvements to the Items segment as well. We truly hope to complete all development and testing for the Items portion this week. Our goal is to release Items into the Bazaar by the first few days of next week. However, as with all development situations, we will only release these changes as we complete the programming and testing.


Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and
Happenings in the Village

Your  It,  Tagger

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fake or Real? Which Do You Prefer?

DateLine | TagVillage

Friday, July 29, 2011 - 10:30 AM

Fake commissions or real commissions? Which do you prefer?

We have been discussing this topic the past 24 hours here at tagvillage headquarters. Do our members want fake commissions? Or would they prefer real ones? And honestly, it has been a difficult decision to make. We truly hope you are happy. Our CEO made an executive decision and decided to give you real ones.

You may be asking what in the world we are talking about. The last paragraph is a bit confusing. So, let me shed some light. Our development team has been developing our Top Secret Project, now known as the Bazaar, for several months. They write code, test it, enhance it, fix bugs, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, etc., etc., etc.

Yesterday, after hours of grueling tests, the prevailing decision is that the Tags part of the Bazaar is 100% complete and the Items part of the Bazaar is 98% complete. The developers feel the Bazaar is so complete from testing that there is no need for further testing. They essentially told our CEO that testing the Bazaar with the entire membership would simply be a waste of time and energy.

However, as most of you know, we have announced we would test the site with the entire membership before we make it live for real. Testing involves setting up separate servers, teaching the members how to access those servers, supporting various questions regarding the testing environment, and a lot of other costly activity. The most important aspect of testing is that members would be getting FAKE COMMISSIONS and buying FAKE ITEMS for about 1 week.

If we skip testing and move straight to the real live Bazaar, then our members can begin buying real items and making REAL COMMISSIONS immediately. So, we have a hard decision. Do we honor the promise of testing? Or, do we skip it and move straight to the real live Bazaar?

As we stated before, our CEO made an executive decision. He decided we would skip testing and go straight to the real live Bazaar! Therefore, you will very soon see a new Tab appear on the site. This Tab will say "Bazaar" and will be the page where all the Tags and Items are traded. This will NOT be FAKE! It will NOT be testing. When you see the Bazaar appear on the site, it will be for real! So the commissions you earn and the items you buy will be for REAL!

As we stated before the Tags part of the Bazaar is 100% ready and the Items part of the Bazaar is 98% ready. Also, there is a bit of server preparation we must complete before it is live. So, we have decided to launch the Bazaar in the following 3 stages:

1. Server preparation
2. Tags
3. Items

You will notice slight changes to the site as we prepare the servers to host the Bazaar along with TagTrading and other aspects of the site. All of a sudden, there will be a new "Bazaar" button. At first, only the Tags part of the Bazaar will be working. Then, suddenly, the Items part will be working. So, watch the site over the next several days. A LOT is about to happen. And everything that appears is live, for REAL, not testing.

We truly hope you enjoy what we have been working so hard to build!

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings
 in the Village

Your  It,

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crossing the line...just a bit

DateLine | TagVillage

June 12, 2011

We have all been anxiously awaiting news from TagVillage Headquarters about the long expected rollout of the Top Secret Project (TSP). Just to wet our chops a little more, news has been leaking out about the Tagvillage Bazaar.  Since none of this has been Officially unveiled, fellow TagVillagers can only speculate and guess as to what is coming. As mentioned in a previous post, testing is currently underway by 20 lucky testers. The following is a reprint of a great explanation posted about an hour ago by Russell Miller; one of the 20.
Thanks Russell for explaining things so well.

As many of you know (or have guessed) I was one of the Bazaar testers as well. What follows is my overview of what this hullabaloo is all about.

What is the Tagvillage Bazaar?

Although I can’t tell you specifics of what it is, or the mechanics of how it works, I will tell you as much as I can, as close to the line without going over as possible…

For starters, the Bazaar is about selling. Much like what you would picture in your mind of a bazaar in “the old country”, there is tons of goods available, lots of excitement and positive energy, and NO ONE pays retail for anything. Everyone knows bazaars are where you go to get the rock bottom deals. The Tagvillage Bazaar is no exception

How much?

By now you have heard people will be able to by actual items as low as 0.10 tagvillage credits, but you likely have no idea what that really means. Let me try to clarify it without giving away the specifics. Just as in any bazaar, there is no “bottom line”. It is what the buyer and seller agrees is a “good price”. Just because one buyer gets a good deal from “shop keeper A”, doesn’t mean the next customer will get the same price. Nor does it mean that he can’t get a better deal from “shop keeper B”. BUT, he will get a good price none-the-less.

If you were to ask shoppers what the price of an item is at the Grand Bazaar in Tehran (largest bazaar in the world) the best they could tell you is what they paid for the item. They could tell you a “rough average” but couldn’t give you an exact price that you will pay if you travel to Tehran to buy that item.

The same concept is true with the Tagvillage Bazaar. Prices will vary day to day, item to item, and purchase to purchase. The TARGET price that everyone is aiming for is 0.10 tagvillage Credits. Some people will get items at that price, some people will not. It just depends on the item, the day, and the purchase. So to call it the Tagvillage 10¢ Bazaar is correct, but doesn’t guarantee every item will cost you 10¢.

As with all things Tagvillage, there is always the “T-Factor”, the taking of a “normal” concept, and twisting it up a notch or two. The Bazaar sort of takes the T-Factor, and puts it on steroids….

What is in it for you?

One thing is certain; you will only pay a fraction of the cost for an item that you would pay at any other online retailer. Tagvillage’s Bazaar price includes freight and import tax, as well as the ability to earn 5% commission of the retail item from your referrals purchases.

Along with the ability to buy items for unbelievable prices and incredible bargains comes the first implementation of the Tagvertiser platform. Tags WILL BE targeted on Bazaar items, and owners of those tags will earn 1% of the item’s retail price. And this is full on retail, not a scaled down bargain bazaar price. There will be up to 5 tags per item in the bazaar, which means tag trading will not only skyrocket on those tags, but for the first time ever, we will be seeing commissions paid on tags by actual advertisers. The bar on tag trades is going to be raised.

Activity Points

Along with everything mentioned above, there is going to be a HUGE increase in Activity Points. Not only will there now be more ways to earn them, with more money coming to the 10¢ Bazaar, the AP pools will be increased as more people begin making bazaar purchases.

Just as with tag trading, you can earn AP from not only your activity, but also your referrals activity too. It has been said from the beginning, the best reward of AP will be any actions that generate activity on the Tagvillage website. The “AP hands” were tied during tag trading, as it was a very “linear” process, but now, with the advent of a second platform, with multiple facets, there will be many more ways to earn AP.

More importantly, you can also earn AP from participating in the Bazaar. Not only can you be the recipient of incredible bargains and deals, you can also earn a passive income from just being involved in the bazaar. Unfortunately, this is one of the areas I can’t give too many details, but I can say, you will be greatly rewarded for your activities within the bazaar, no matter how many full “bags” you end up carrying away at the end of the day.

What about tags?

Aside from the tagvertising platform, we will also be able to sell our high priced tags in the Bazaar. This is one area I can say that definitely will NOT be 0.10 tagvillage Credits purchases. People will be able to buy tags for a fraction of the current price, while at the same time, giving the seller full retail price (allowing you to earn your 15% commission (as with any sale)) and your referrer will still earn his full 5% on the sale of your tag as well. I am sure this one will have you guessing the most, but I do promise, it is going to be incredible, and will be a “game changer” in tag trading as we have come to know it.

It is a very real possibility that we will see people buying and selling tags with the frenzy that we saw in the first days of tag trading. I anticipate that not only will this continue longer then it did with initial tag trading, but prices are likely to go higher, and more people will be able to capture their shares of commissions and end up owning (and selling) much higher end words then they thought would ever happen.

Final thoughts

Although this is a nice overview of the Bazaar, it is not the inclusive package of the entire Top Secret Project (TSP). This is ONE phase of the TSP (albeit it a large one). I do believe with the other changes coming most people’s minds will be blown. The idea of tagvillage being a “real” business will no longer be in question, and people will begin earning money the way they had always imagined. Any confusion as to WHY people will be flocking to Tagvillage will soon be put to rest, and tagvillagers will soon question how they managed to get this far along without the new innovations that will be coming out of Tagvillage.

Above all else, the one thing I want to stress with the TSP and the 10¢ Bazaar, there will be a resounding theme echoing through everyone’s minds: “Fair & Helpful”. I believe from everyone who has tested this project so far, the initial reactions are “oh…” then after a few minutes and they “get it” a resounding “…this is THE BEST!”

It is very cool, and will start making people some serious money. As frustrating as the wait has been, it will be OH SO WORTH IT!

posted by Russell Miller

Bringing you A Fair and
Balanced Reporting of News
and Happenings in the Village

Your  It, Tagger

Breaking News - The Bazaar is Coming Soon!

DateLine | TagVillage

Following article was released by TagVillage Staff reporter earlier today:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - 9:45 AM

"Can I write the article yet? Can I write the article yet? Can I write the article yet?..."

I have been so impatiently waiting for the authorization to post something here in our News Room for our members. If you are as excited and filled with anticipation about the Bazaar as I am, then you must not be sleeping at night either. Finally, after what feels like years of agonizing wait, I have been authorized to tell you what is happening and what we expect to happen in the near future.

Our incredible development team has been working tirelessly for months developing a state-of-the-art marketplace that we feel will revolutionize a very popular, very powerful method of selling goods/services online. We have been negotiating with countless retailers and distributors to make sure this will be a tremendous success. Everyone that sees the concept and the particular approach we have taken says they are happily impressed!

On Monday, July 11th, at 12:00 noon central time, we introduced the Top Secret Project, now known as the Bazaar, to about 20 hand-picked members of tagvillage! These members qualified to be included in this limited group by various criteria our company established to make sure we had a very good representation of our membership. We are happy to announce these 20 tagvillage members are experiencing the Bazaar and helping our developers enhance it to perfection as you read this.

Now don't get me wrong, we wanted to include every one of our members in this special pre-testing phase, but we must make sure every step in the process is extremely effective. So, our developers asked for 20 members they could work in direct contact with so they could get the best feedback. We established certain criteria, such as dedication to the site, activity, number of referrals, technical qualifications, and other things. We found 20 members who qualified and they all swore to extreme secrecy and signed non-disclosure agreements and other top secret legal documents that ensured our team they would honor the integrity of our business.

I was talking with our CEO yesterday and I asked him, "What good does it do the rest of our members to be told there are 20 members testing the Bazaar now? Wouldn't it be better if they could actually speak with these 20 members?"

In my opinion, I think you would rather be able to speak with one or more of the 20 members that are testing the bazaar now. This way, you can get first-hand testimony that the Bazaar is for real. You can hear from an actual tagvillage member that people will in fact be able to buy actual products for as low as 0.10 tagvillage Credits. I think you should be able to ask an actual tagvillage member if the Bazaar is designed well, works well, and will really be this amazing, incredible BOOM we expect.

So, our CEO agreed. After speaking directly with the team of 20 tagvillage members who are now testing the Bazaar, he agreed to allow them to disclose a few details to the general membership. First, he allowed them to disclose the fact that they are a testing member. Second, he allowed them to disclose whether or not the Bazaar is real and that actual items will be sold for as low as 0.10 tagvillage Credits. Third, he allowed them to disclose whether or not the Bazaar is well designed, functioning well, and well planned. Finally, he allowed them to disclose their opinion as to whether or not the Bazaar is about to COMPLETELY EXPLODE your tagvillage business!

I am still not allowed to reveal the exact details about the Bazaar to you. Also, the 20 testing members are not allowed to reveal the exact details about the Bazaar, like how it looks, exactly how it works, etc. But, they can discuss things within the four parameters the CEO authorized. So, I suggest you seek out these testing members on this special VillageTalk Page, on Facebook, and other sites. I am sure they will be talking about the Bazaar as much as they are allowed and will be happy to share their opinions with you.

This just leaves one final question. What is the future plan? As things stand at this time, the developers feel comfortable establishing the following tentative goals:

1. We will be testing the Bazaar with our 20 member test team until July 17th, 2011
2. We hope to be able to test the Bazaar with all our members around July 18th, 2011
3. We hope to complete all testing of the Bazaar by July 24th, 2011
4. We hope to be able to launch the Bazaar live on the site by July 25th, 2011

Of course all the tentative projections listed above are not set in stone. They can and may be changed if we discover any major issues, bugs, or changes needed. It is our strong desire to meet each of these target dates. However, we beg our members to understand things happen, bugs appear, and we may be forced to change targets and delay the launch. We have an amazing team of developers who are working extremely hard for you. They will do their absolute best to meet these goals.

Have a great day! Keep building your Tag inventory because they are about to be worth a LOT MORE to you when the Bazaar launches! And go find one of the 20 testing members and see what they think!

Bringing you A Fair and Balanced Reporting of News and Happenings in the Village

Your  It, Tagger